Holy flying reindeer! It is less than a week until Christmas, and we still have such a busy week ahead of us. I am so pleased with how well my class is behaving even under these very exciting circumstances! Way to go class!
This week is going to fly by, with everything that we have to do, we won't have time to blink. Monday it is our rehearsal for the Christmas concert, and hopefully fit in our Message du jour and our reading and writing if we can find the time. Then, Tuesday will be routine, hopefully! Wednesday is our Christmas concert at 9:30 in the morning. I will be out on Wednesday afternoon, buy Mrs. Foran will have a big to-do list for you. Then Thursday will be our Christmas party in the afternoon, so if you want to bring in a treat for your classmates, this is the day to do it. I am trying to line up a rendez-vous with our amis à Croft, but it seems like nothing is working out, but if at all possible we are going to try and meet up with them on Thursday as well. Friday is a half-day and dismissal will be at 11:30am. After that, it is CHRISTMAS BREAK!!! Whoup, whoup!!!
I hope all of you have a super holiday and come back well rested to learn much more French in the New Year!
Happy Holidays!