Mrs. Hale Notes

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Happy Monday morning to everyone!  Brace yourselves for a full week of school.  The first one in a while.  Last week of April.  How crazy is that?  Only two more months of elementary school, and then you are officially a middle schooler! We are going to busy all week finishing up our Social Studies projects on the Titanic, and then we will be working on Ancient Egypt.  I'm sad to see the Titanic activities come to a close, but Ancient Egypt is always my favorite of the Ancient Civilizations to teach, so hopefully you will understand why once we get into our unit. It is supposed to be a wet week, but if at all possible the school will be getting out on Tuesday for their "Harkins Has Healthy Heart" walk.  Hopefully there were be a big turnout for this again this week. Titanic projects are due on Wednesday, April 25th.  I can't wait to see the finish product of these great projects.  We probably won't get through all of them, so if you need extra time, just let me know. Thursday, our Croft friends are coming to visit us and see your Titanic projects.  They had a Titanic Day, and now they are very interested to see what you can teach them about that fatal night. That finally brings us to Friday...which will be the first day of Mini-Volleyball for those girls in grades 3-5 that are interested in joining.  It will be after school on Fridays for six weeks.  

Posted: April 17, 2012

I'm incredibly proud to introduce to you our 2012 Turn Around Achievement Award winner, Jake Tulle.  It is only my first year meeting Jake, but I am very proud of how far he has come this year!  Way to go Jake!!!  Your improvements were noted by all the staff!  Keep up the great work!

Posted: April 16, 2012

Middle of April ALREADY!  Wow!  It is going to be the end of June before we know it.  I hope everyone had a restful weekend and are prepared to get tons of work done in this short week. Monday we will be starting our research for our Heritage Fair projects on the Titanic.  I can't wait to see what the students pull together for this.  We have been doing so much work on it in class, I know they are going to be amazing projects.  Outdoor recess starts on Monday too, so the students will be going outside for both 10:10 and 12:00 recess. Tuesday, is the "Harkins Has Healthy Hearts Walking Club".  They will be meeting at 4pm at the Strawberry Marsh.  All students, parents and staff are encouraged to attend.  I'm hoping that Mr. Flynn will move this event to Mondays or Wednesdays so that I can join you, but Tuesdays I have a prior committment.  Wedesnday is our French day again.  We all seemed to enjoy this day! Thursday, I will be away getting my First Aid at the District Office, but you will continue working on our projects with your supply teacher. Don't forget that there is no school on Friday!!  Enjoy your week!

Posted: April 9, 2012

I hope everyone had a great holiday and got well rested for the week ahead.  We have a busy few weeks ahead of us. Tuesday will be back to routine as always.  Hump Day is our popcorn day as always, and our day of French, which I have noticed most of the students love this day.  They are missing the French Program.  Thursday we have a nice treat of TNB coming to do a performance, which is a must-see.  Friday we will finally get to work hard on our Titanic Project! Four day weeks are always nice, but we have to work hard to accomplish everything that I have planned!  See you then.

Posted: April 3, 2012

Welcome to the month of April!  April showers bing May flowers, and May will be here before we know it.  Hopefully the showers will hold off though. This week we have lots of fun.  It is a short week but we are packing as much work and fun into the four days as we can, starting off with Monday being Hat Day in support of Autism.  Students can wear their hat for the day for the price of one dollar.  Tuesday, the Toy Sale is extended so if your child didn't get to purchase a toy, or she would like to purchase something else, the toy store will be open for shopping.  Bring your purse! Hump Day will bring us to working on our Titanic Projects during the alotted PBL time from 2-3pm.  This is just getting off the ground and will be explaining what will be expected of them. Our final day for the week will be Thursday.  There is Easter Dinner that day in the cafeteria.  They will be serving Ham, pancake, syrup, milk, and icecream for the price of $5.  Please pay by April 4th so that the cafeteria knows how many to expect.  Prizes will be available to win.  As well on our final day we are visiting with our Croft Buddies.  We will be walking over to Croft after dinner and returning to the school to catch the bus.  They will be viewing their final projects on the Middle Ages, and playing some fun educational games with them.  I know they will enjoy it. I want to take this time to wish everyone a very Happy Easter, and remember, there is no school next Monday either for Easter Monday.  Enjoy the long weekend!

Posted: March 26, 2012

Welcome to the last week of March.  Wow!  How time flies.  I know the weather sure doesn't make it feel like March.  What a nice week we had last week.  Hopefully it continues right through to June like that. We are back to the grind this week with a full week of school.  The last for two weeks as Easter is quickly approaching.  Tuesday is the District Science Fair at Gretna Green.  I want to wish our winners, Shelby and Abbigail, Benson and Kevin and Taylor and Jessica the best of luck on this day.  I am sure they will make us very proud. Friday we are going to Croft to see our Buddies again. Hopefully you will enjoy what we have in store for you there.  Remember to bring a bagged lunch and drink because we do not have access to their cafeteria. Enjoy the week!

Posted: March 19, 2012

Welcome to the second last week of March!  Wow!  Where is the time going?  We have a very busy week, and it is a short week so we have to work hard to get everything done! Tuesday is the day we have all been waiting for!  The Science Fair!  Judging will take place in the morning for the classrooms and then those selected from the classrooms will then go to the gym exhibition for the school competition.  Good luck everyone, I know you all worked very hard for this day. Wednesday is a nice surprise.  We will be going to the Middle School for a TNB production of the A Child's Garden.  I can't wait to see this, and it will take place at 9am-10am. Thursday is the final day of the week for this week as Friday is Parent-Teacher Interviews.  Please make sure you send in your request for an interview either for Thursday from 4-6pm or Friday 9am-12pm. Enjoy your week everyone!

Posted: February 28, 2012

Can you believe that March Break is going to be here in one week?  Hard to imagine that spring is soon on its way! Busy, busy week!  Winter Activity Week and we have a jam packed week! Monday we will be doing a Bullying activity with Mr. Murphy and it sounds like a great one. Tuesday will be routine as normal, but on Wednesday, is Bullying Awareness Day and every student is to wear pink to show that they stand up to bullying.  The school is also having an assembly at 10:45, then we are having healthy snacks at recess that will be free for all students. Thursday we are heading out with our Croft Buddies to Rogersville to go bowling, snowshoeing and then ordering something at the Tim Hortons in french.  I can't wait for you all to make me so proud using your french skills you acquired. Friday is the big day!  You get to participate in the winter activity of your choice and the Home and School will be providing milk and pizza free of charge for every student.  Then, in the afternoon it is the school variety show.  How much fun is that?  Yipee!! The cost of the Activity Day is $3.00 and if they choose to buy a ribbon and pin it is an extra $2.00 that will be sold at recess. Remember please dress appropriately for the activity and enjoy your week everyone!!

Posted: February 20, 2012

Bonjour classe!  I hope everyone had a restful weekend and are ready to do five days of work in four, because there is no school for students on Friday therefore we have much work to accomplish in a short amount of time. Monday I will be introducing Notebooks.  I am very excited for this because it is my first year using this approach to writing.  Hopefully it will be helpful to the class since they haven't really wrote in english since the end of school last year. Wednesday I will be out to help at the "So You Think You Can Dance District 16" competiton.  I hope my class works hard for the supply teacher. Remember Friday is a day off for all students.  I imagine that everyone will enjoy their long weekend and get rested up because we have a fun-filled week next week, the last week before March Break!!!

Posted: February 12, 2012

Welcome back to another super week in Grade 5H!  I'm excited for this week because we will be looking at our PBL for the Heritage Fair, and I can't wait to show you what I have up my sleeve! We are going to continue to finish up our pre-writing and reading tests that we didn't finish last week due to our extra activities and then it is straight out getting full swing into the Daily Five!  I can't wait to get our routine formed so we can get lots of work accomplished! Wednesday is going to be the dance off for "So You Think You Can Dance Harkins" and I wish everyone the best of luck! Another great week is in store, so bring in your thinking brains and your hard work minds so we can accomplish all that we can accomplish!

Posted: February 10, 2012

We were very lucky today!  Our "Pals" from Croft came to visit us and we had a big day all centered around the Middle Ages.  First we learned all about stained glass and we made one each.  Look in our windows in the upcoming days and see if you can see them from the road! After dinner we ventured across the street, compliments of Father Tom, to the beautiful St. Mary's Church and we learned about their stain glass and looked at the architectural structures that were similar to that of the Middle Ages and also those that have changed.  Mme Robichaud really knew her stuff in this area.  Thank you Madame! Next, we went to the ballfield behind the Middle School to attempt to build a Medieval snow castle.  Sadly, this did not work out quite as well as we imagined it, but we tried!!  Since this plan didn't work we went to plan B which was to finish our stain glass and check out some really cool websites.  Check out the websites on my teahcer page. What an amazing DAY!!  I can't wait until next month when we head out to Rogersville with our Croft "Pals" on March 1st to practise our french in a french community!  Thank you Croft for a splendid day!  Stay tuned for pictures!

Posted: February 5, 2012

Only four weeks until March Break...but who is really counting? I hope you all had a restful weekend for our big week ahead!  Monday is our first official day of our Compacted Curriculum for Grade 5.  We have much work to fit into a short period of time, so there will not be much down time between here and June.  I am looking forward to the English program, but Wedesndays we will be back to French for the day for the afternoon.  It will be fun returning to our regular routine one day a week. Friday our friends from Croft will be joining us for the day.  I am sure you will be fantastic hosts, just as they were to us when we were there.  Enjoy your week!

Posted: February 2, 2012

BIG WEEK this week!!!  I'm so excited! First of all we have to review for our Provincial test and that will take us until Wednesday, then it is write, write, write.  I can't wait to see what great works of art you create in french.  This is what we have all been waiting for for the last five months.  Good luck everyone.  

Posted: January 13, 2012

I am so excited to share the news!!!  I just received word from the wonderful people at District Office that Mr. MacKinnon will be here on Monday, January 16th (also Jake's Birthday) to give us an in-class lesson on paddling and then on January 26th we get to go to MVHS for a morning of paddling in the pool.  I can't wait as this is one of my favorite things that grade 5 students get to do every year.  I know all my students will enjoy it tremendously!!!

Posted: January 8, 2012

Wow!  Are our two weeks holidays over already?  Welcome back!  Hopefully we are all well rested and ready to learn and have fun!  I know I am. This week we will be welcoming a new student into our class, and I know he will love Harkins Elementary School as much as the rest of us.  I know all my students will help show him around and make him feel like part of our class. We are back to our regular routine, Monday we will start a new unit on food for our french program.  I am anxious to start this with all of you, because I feel like we have clothing and family mastered now.  Our weekly books and writing will be centered around our theme of food, and for the end of the unit we will be going to a restaurant and order our food in french.  It is always a great time! I have attached the monthly newsletter to my teacher page if you ever lose it or want to reference it here, you are able.  Hopefully all my parents are students take advantage of this page. Here is to a New Year filled with good health, learning, and growing as individuals.  In nine months you will be in middle school!
