Posted: December 4, 2011
December 5th? Honestly where did time go? I can't believe there are three weeks until Christmas! Can you?
This week is relatively normal, which is a refreshing change. A full week of work is every teachers dream...finally we can get down to the nitty gritty and cover lots of curriculum this week with no interuptions! I am looking forward to a week of just routine, reading, writing and oral work on our French unit of Les vêtements. Don't forget that Monday, Scholastic book orders are due, it is show and tell on Wednesday, library on Thursday as well as our Christmas Dinner in the cafeteria. It is $5.50 and the money is due on Wednesday. Les amis de la lecture on Friday and of course food bank articles on Friday which is PJ day. I know I can't wait towait to wear my jammies!
Here is to a great week! We will all have time to rest and rejuvinate in three weeks!