Mrs. Hale Notes

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Posted: November 26, 2012

EEEEEK!!!  It is the last week of November!  Who is as excited as I am?  I'm getting the Christmas fever already! No wonder I have the fever already!  There are only 18 more school days before our Christmas Concert.  I hope everyone has the 19th of December marked on their calendars to come and see our big show!  It starts at 9:30 in the morning.  It is going to be an entertaining morning! It is actually a calm week in the class of Mme Hale!  For once.  We will be starting a new book and continuing with our paragraph that we started on Thursday, but we have no big events this week.  Don't forget that if you want popcorn on Wednesday, Tuesday is the order day.  Friday we will be continuing to collect for the food bank and this week it is "Backwards Day".  If you want to participate in this day, you are to bring in an item for the food bank or a loonie.  Friday is also our end of the month assembly.  I wonder who will get the Harkins' Treasure Award this month?  Have a great week class!

Posted: November 19, 2012

Bonjour!!!  There are only five more weeks until Christmas Break.  How great is that?  The five weeks will fly by too if we continue to be so busy. Monday is the launch of Mango Healthy Breakfast.  Please remember to eat a healthy breakfast each morning to get points for our class. Tuesday is our library day as always and if you would like to order popcorn for Wednesday, please bring in your money this day. Thursday is a big day.  Not only is it the last day of the school week, it is also our School Colors Day and you are to wear blue and white to show your school spirit and you have to bring in an item for the food bank or a loonie.  As well, there is skating for the grade 4 and 5 students at the Civic Center at 9:45-10:45, I can't wait to see you all skating.  That evening there is also Parent-Teacher interviews from 4-6.  I can't wait to meet all the parents. Friday there is no school for the students but the teachers will be continuing with Parent-Teacher interviews again.  I hope you all enjoy your short week.  It is going to zoom by!

Posted: November 13, 2012

Officially six weeks away from our Christmas Break.  Isn't that crazy?  Where did the fall go? This week is our last week for those of you who signed up for Mad Science.  Don't forget that Tuesday when you come back to school that it is our library day.  As well, Wednesday our Scholastic book orders are due.  Friday is Show and Tell for Logan, Ethan, and Dylan B please remember to bring something in that day.  It is also Crazy Hair or Crazy Hat day.  Also, don't forget to sell your Tupperware for our end of the year trip! Report cards will be going home next Tuesday and there is no school next Friday due to Parent-Teacher.  We only have 26 more school days to prepare for our Christmas Concert, which is kind of nerve wrecking, but hopefully we can pull it off!  Your last official Christmas Concert!  You are officially growing up! Enjoy your week!

Posted: November 6, 2012

Welcome to the first full week of November.  After this week students will have two four day weeks due to Remembrance Day holiday and Parent-Teacher the following Friday.  That should make December arrive quicker than it should! This week is a very busy one.  We are preparing for our very special Remembrance Day Ceremony that will be happening in the gym on the 8th at 9:30am.  My class is very involved.  I think everyone that wished to participate has some sort of job, whether it is a flag bearer, a wreath carrier or reciting a poem, they are the stars of the show! Don't forget that Tuesday is library and also if you wish to order popcorn that is the day to do so.  We will be starting a new book for our new unit on "Les vêtements" as well we will be finishing our week off hopefully Skyping with Gretna Green and Croft again on Friday. I hope everyone has a great week and enjoy your long weekend!  Remember there is no school on Monday! 
Wow!  Did you see that?  November?  Is that for real?  Crazy! We are officially two months into school.  Time is flying by.  I hear the Halloween Party Friday night by the Home and School was a huge success.  Thank you Home and School for putting that on for us.  It truly was amazing and you all put some much time into it.  Unbelievable! This week is not much different from any other.  Monday we will start our new reading, oral and writing work.  We are starting a new sound "ou" which in french is "oo" sound in english.  We actually are starting a poem for the first time for our reading, which is Le cocquelicot for Remembrance Day next week.  Tuesday is our library day as always and I will be taking orders for popcorn for Wednesday popcorn day.  Wednesday is also Halloween and we will be Skyping with Gretna Green and Croft to meet our buddies.  Please bring your costume with you because we are going to change into our costumes just to Skype and then change back.  If you are planning to bring a treat for the class remember there are 25 students in the class. The first last day of October also brings us to Harkins' first end of the month assembly.  Mrs. Pinder will be giving out the monthly awards on this day now.  A nice change. Don't forget your show and tell for Friday if it is your turn to present. Have a great week everyone!

Posted: October 22, 2012

Can you believe we are in our last full week of October?  Wow!  Time is flying by! We have an extremely busy week with all the festivities of Halloween and the work we have to finish or start.  We also have four birthdays this week.  Crazy.  Happy Birthday to Olivia, MacKenzie, Emily and Noah! Monday we will be starting a new book for Halloween again and finishing up our L'Halloween paragraph. Tuesday, we will be starting our texte narrative for a Haunted House.  This is our first attempt at doing this and will be doing it as a class, and not independently.  This is usually a struggle for most classes, but I am confident that this class is going to do extremely well. Don't forget to bring in your money for the Spooky Halloween Lunch on Friday.  It is $4.50 for a piece of pizza, milk and dessert.  I hope you are all hungry! Friday is also our day to carve our pumpkins!  I hope we have a great week!

Posted: October 11, 2012

I hope everyone had a very festive and family filled Thanksgiving along with a great four day long weekend!  We have a short but busy week ahead of us. Wednesday the students return to school.  We will be starting a new book called "Mes amis" and reviewing our sounds that we learned to date. Thursday is fire prevention day at Harkins and the students have the opportunity to meet with real fire fighters and learn first hand the importance of fire safety. Friday is our show and tell day, as well as our reading buddies.  Busy week, but short.  I hope everyone enjoys the short week and comes prepared to last a long five day week, next week.

Posted: October 3, 2012

We have our first TEST on numbers 1-20 in French tomorrow.  Please make sure you study hard tonight!

Posted: September 30, 2012

Can you believe that we are in the first of October already?  Time is flying, as always. We have a big week ahead of us.  Monday is Harkins Has Healthy Hearts Walk at 4pm.  As well, we will be starting a new book all about Thanksgiving and throughout the week we will be talking about all that we are thankful for.  Everyone has many blessings to be thankful for and it is great to learn to talk about these in french Wednesday brings the class' math test and Thursday is our french number test from 1-20.  I hope you are reviewing them every night for homework.  We are starting a new sound this week.  "I" is the sound, and it says the english "E".  This is our third sound and the students should be reviewing these sounds at night with an adult.  This will help them read and spell in french. We have many birthdays this month and on Saturday, October 6th is Madison's.  I hope you have a super day Madison!  I also hope that we have a great week that finishes up with a four day long weekend for the students.  Don't forget next Tuesday is a day off for the students due to the teacher's meetings. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!              

Posted: September 25, 2012

Can you believe that it is the last week of September already.  Frost on the ground is indicating that October is just around the corner.  It is a refreshing change from the heat we had all summer. This week is very busy.  Watch your child's HEART book agendas to make sure you remember everything. Monday is Harkins Has Healthy Heart walk at the cove, then on Tuesday, don't forget your library books, because it is your only day for library. On Wednesday the money for the pictures and the money for the Terry Fox meal in the cafeteria (pizza) are both due.  If you are involved in cross country, the meet this week is at St. Andrews.  Please be there at 3:45 to be on time for the walk through so you know the course of the race. Thursday is our 31st Annual Terry Fox Walk.  Harkins has been a huge supporter of this event, and I know the students are looking forward to it!  We will be leaving the school at 10:30am and parents are welcome to join us. Finally, on Friday, it is our Blue Shirt Day to stand up to bullying. That is alot for one week.  I hope we stay organized and get everything done! :)

Posted: September 17, 2012

What a great bunch of students I have this year!  I can't believe how well they are doing with their french and they are only 2 weeks in.  Great work Grade 5! This week we are launching our Terry Fox fundraiser.  This is Harkins' 31st year participating in this fund raiser and keeping Terry's dream alive.  I feel very proud to be a part of such traditions and history.    Wednesday is the first cross country meet at NSEE.  Hopefully Harkins will have a good turn out for the event.  I will be there for 3:45 because that is the time the walk through is done and races start at 4 sharp.  Soccer is up and going as well, so if you have any questions on the schedule, just call Mr. Flynn. This week we are starting a new book "Le robot à l'école" and finishing our writing piece on what they did last summer.  We are continuing to work on the sound A and we will be starting the sound E at the end of the week. I hope we have a super week just like the last two. 

Posted: September 9, 2012

Welcome back to your first full week of classes, Grade 5!  I am excited to start this week because we will be talking straight french from now on.  Our mornings will be in french, in the hallway will be in french and french during dismissal as well.  Don't worry though, you always have the magic phrase, "Comment dit-on" to fall back on. We have a very busy week as well.  Wednesday is school picture day, and Thursday night is Meet the Teacher.  I look forward to meeting all your parents and letting them know what you are going to accomplish this coming year.  Just a little reminder if you haven't told your parents already...Milk has went up to 50 cents this year. Here's to having a great first week.  The work is starting, so come ready to work! 

Posted: August 30, 2012

Welcome back to school boys and girls!  I am very excited to get to see you all again and meet a few new students that we are fortunate to have in our class this year as well. I hope everyone enjoyed their summer and I look forward to spending the year with you.  It is your last year as an elementary student and I promise that I will make it your best year yet! See you on Wednesday!

Posted: June 13, 2012

Boys and girls, please remember to bring in the form signed by your parents to give their consent for you to travel out of the District with your class to Bouctouche on Friday.  Only two more days until the big day!

Posted: June 13, 2012

Only 9 more school days left before the last day of school.  Scary!  Yet, exciting! Monday we will have a bit of a messed up day because the Drama students will be leaving us in the afternoon to put the finishing touches on their play.  We will be finishing up our humour stories and doing a bit of end of the year testing that the District office is looking for. Tuesday is our trip to Beaubears Island, and we have to make sure we have a packed lunch and lots of water, sunscreen and fly spray. Hump day will be super exciting.  We finally get to see the premier of Anne of Green Gables...that is Anne with an "E"!  I can't wait because there are lots of great actors and actresses in our class, and Jessica Miersch is the one and only Anne!  Good luck everyone! Thursday will be a very busy day finishing up loose ends, because it is one of the last days we will have the full day in the class. Finally, Friday!  The day we have all been waiting for.  Our end of the elementary class trip.  We are going to the Olivier Soapery in Bouctouche and then off to Pizza Delight to have the buffet of pizza, pastas and salads.  We will end the day with our awards for the year.  All you have to do is bring yourself.  It is going to be a super time.  I can't wait to spend such a fun day with all my great students. Enjoy your LAST full week at Harkins Elementary School, boys and girls!
