We would like to remind you of the memo sent home earlier regarding Policy 409 - Infrastructure Review. Please take a few moments to complete the Survey. The link is on the left hand side of the school website. The next scheduled meetings will take place May 7 and May 28, both starting at 7 p.m. at MVHS.
Thursday, April 18 is the Harkins Elementary Teddy Bear Picnic. This is a day for the pre-kindergarteners (those attending kindergarten in September, 2013). Our kindergarten teachers will be working with these students. As a result, there will be NO classes for this year's kindergarten students on that day.
The cafeteria will be having their annual Spring Fling Dinner on Wednesday, April 17. Pizza, milk, and ice cream will be provided at a cost of $4.50. Please be sure to pay prior to Wednesday.
Tuesday, April 2 is designated as World Autism Day. In support of this, Harkins Elementary will have a Hat Day. Each student who brings in a loonie will be allowed to wear a hat in school the entire day. Proceeds from this event will go directly to the Autism Resources Miramichi center to support their children's programs..
The staff and students of Harkins Elementary would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter! A reminder there will be no school on Good Friday, March 29, and Easter Monday, April 1. We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday, March 2.
Mad Science is returning to Harkins Elementary! Registration forms went home today and must be returned by April 4. It will begin on Tuesday, April 9 and continue for a total of 6 sessions, each Tuesday. There are new topics for this session, including Optical Illusions, Magnetic Magic, Sonic Sounds, Light, Harnessing Heat and Watts-up!?If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the school.
The cafeteria is having their Easter dinner on Friday, March 22. This will consist of a chicken burger, hash browns, cookie and milk for $5.00. Students are asked to bring their money to their homeroom teacher by Thursday.
Welcome back from the March Break! We hope everyone is rested and ready for next part of the school year. Hopefully you have remembered to set your clocks ahead 1 hour.
Mme Hale's Grade 5 class would like to thank each and every students' family who brought in money for the Spell-a-thon. It was a very successful fundraiser for their end of the year class trip! We would like to take this time to congratulate everyone for a super job, especially the following top three spellers in each class:
Mrs. Mountain-Collette's Kindergarten class: 1st place Craig Doyle, 2nd place Kyle MacIntosh, 3rd place Callie Harris
Mrs. Dickson's Kindergarten class: 1st place Jackson Shaddick, 2nd place Reece Manderson, 3rd place Caleb Hansen
We had the pleasure of being extremely entertained by Remi Boudreau, a magician from Shediac. He perform his magic tricks which left the students ooing and ahhing over his skills. Check out our pictures in the photo gallery!