Mrs. Hale

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: December 14, 2011

Here are the words to practice your "chanson" at your house.  Practice hard!
File petit_garcon_words.docx32.87 KB

Posted: December 14, 2011

Here is the music for our class song for the Christmas Concert.  I gave the students the words on a sheet of paper for them to practice with, but if they forgot it, you can find the words also on my teacher page under documents.  Practice hard!  Only five days remain!

Posted: December 13, 2011

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Posted: December 11, 2011

Sorry for the inconvience, but on Friday, my laptop caught a virus of some sort, and I have not been able to produce my weekly addition of "Heartland Happenings" that was performed by Jessica and Thomas.  I apologize for any inconvience this may have caused and I will have it up and running as soon as my computer is fixed.  Hopefully on Monday.  Thank you for understanding!

Posted: December 11, 2011

Only one more weekly message before the Christmas break.  Can you believe that?! This week, will hopefully be as routine as possible.  Sadly, I am away for IF meeting on Tuesday, but Ms. Olsen will be looking after my class, and she is wonderful!  We really have to buckle down and work on our Christmas song for the concert, but I have a hard time peeling myself away from our norm, because we are accomplishing so much now-a-days, and I want to keep on our "roll". Don't forget that Friday is "Crazy Hat Day" and our last day to bring in food to support our local food bank.  Our class is keeping right up with the rest of the school, and every contribution is a help to those in need. Bring your singing voices boys and girls, because every second that we get this week, we will be belting out our song!  Enjoy the week, our last official full week before the year 2012!

Posted: December 6, 2011

Yummy, in my tummy!  The Harkins cafeteria will be hosting their annual Christmas Dinner with turkey, potatoes, gravy and all the fixings on Thursday, December 8th.  If you are interested in having your child eat this for dinner on Thursday you must have the money into Mme by Wednesday, December 7th.  The cost for this delicious meal is $5.50, and it will be worth every penny.  There are prizes to be given away as well, so don't miss out on this great meal and opportunity!

Posted: December 5, 2011

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Posted: December 5, 2011

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Posted: December 5, 2011

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Posted: December 4, 2011

December 5th?  Honestly where did time go?  I can't believe there are three weeks until Christmas!  Can you? This week is relatively normal, which is a refreshing change.  A full week of work is every teachers dream...finally we can get down to the nitty gritty and cover lots of curriculum this week with no interuptions!  I am looking forward to a week of just routine, reading, writing and oral work on our French unit of Les vêtements.  Don't forget that Monday, Scholastic book orders are due, it is show and tell on Wednesday, library on Thursday as well as our Christmas Dinner in the cafeteria.  It is $5.50 and the money is due on Wednesday.  Les amis de la lecture on Friday and of course food bank articles on Friday which is PJ day.  I know I can't wait towait to wear my jammies! Here is to a great week!  We will all have time to rest and rejuvinate in three weeks!


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