Wow! Are our two weeks holidays over already? Welcome back! Hopefully we are all well rested and ready to learn and have fun! I know I am.
This week we will be welcoming a new student into our class, and I know he will love Harkins Elementary School as much as the rest of us. I know all my students will help show him around and make him feel like part of our class.
We are back to our regular routine, Monday we will start a new unit on food for our french program. I am anxious to start this with all of you, because I feel like we have clothing and family mastered now. Our weekly books and writing will be centered around our theme of food, and for the end of the unit we will be going to a restaurant and order our food in french. It is always a great time!
I have attached the monthly newsletter to my teacher page if you ever lose it or want to reference it here, you are able. Hopefully all my parents are students take advantage of this page.
Here is to a New Year filled with good health, learning, and growing as individuals. In nine months you will be in middle school!