Mrs. Hale

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: March 19, 2012

Welcome to the second last week of March!  Wow!  Where is the time going?  We have a very busy week, and it is a short week so we have to work hard to get everything done! Tuesday is the day we have all been waiting for!  The Science Fair!  Judging will take place in the morning for the classrooms and then those selected from the classrooms will then go to the gym exhibition for the school competition.  Good luck everyone, I know you all worked very hard for this day. Wednesday is a nice surprise.  We will be going to the Middle School for a TNB production of the A Child's Garden.  I can't wait to see this, and it will take place at 9am-10am. Thursday is the final day of the week for this week as Friday is Parent-Teacher Interviews.  Please make sure you send in your request for an interview either for Thursday from 4-6pm or Friday 9am-12pm. Enjoy your week everyone!

Posted: February 28, 2012


Wed, Feb 29/12 8:00 pm

Posted: February 28, 2012


Tue, Feb 28/12 8:00 pm
Wear your pink shirt for Bully Awareness Day!

Posted: February 28, 2012

Can you believe that March Break is going to be here in one week?  Hard to imagine that spring is soon on its way! Busy, busy week!  Winter Activity Week and we have a jam packed week! Monday we will be doing a Bullying activity with Mr. Murphy and it sounds like a great one. Tuesday will be routine as normal, but on Wednesday, is Bullying Awareness Day and every student is to wear pink to show that they stand up to bullying.  The school is also having an assembly at 10:45, then we are having healthy snacks at recess that will be free for all students. Thursday we are heading out with our Croft Buddies to Rogersville to go bowling, snowshoeing and then ordering something at the Tim Hortons in french.  I can't wait for you all to make me so proud using your french skills you acquired. Friday is the big day!  You get to participate in the winter activity of your choice and the Home and School will be providing milk and pizza free of charge for every student.  Then, in the afternoon it is the school variety show.  How much fun is that?  Yipee!! The cost of the Activity Day is $3.00 and if they choose to buy a ribbon and pin it is an extra $2.00 that will be sold at recess. Remember please dress appropriately for the activity and enjoy your week everyone!!

Posted: February 20, 2012

Bonjour classe!  I hope everyone had a restful weekend and are ready to do five days of work in four, because there is no school for students on Friday therefore we have much work to accomplish in a short amount of time. Monday I will be introducing Notebooks.  I am very excited for this because it is my first year using this approach to writing.  Hopefully it will be helpful to the class since they haven't really wrote in english since the end of school last year. Wednesday I will be out to help at the "So You Think You Can Dance District 16" competiton.  I hope my class works hard for the supply teacher. Remember Friday is a day off for all students.  I imagine that everyone will enjoy their long weekend and get rested up because we have a fun-filled week next week, the last week before March Break!!!

Posted: February 12, 2012

Welcome back to another super week in Grade 5H!  I'm excited for this week because we will be looking at our PBL for the Heritage Fair, and I can't wait to show you what I have up my sleeve! We are going to continue to finish up our pre-writing and reading tests that we didn't finish last week due to our extra activities and then it is straight out getting full swing into the Daily Five!  I can't wait to get our routine formed so we can get lots of work accomplished! Wednesday is going to be the dance off for "So You Think You Can Dance Harkins" and I wish everyone the best of luck! Another great week is in store, so bring in your thinking brains and your hard work minds so we can accomplish all that we can accomplish!

Posted: February 10, 2012


Great place to have a jousting battle!  Enjoy!

Posted: February 10, 2012


Great place to have a jousting battle!  Enjoy!

Posted: February 10, 2012

Horrible Histories

Explore Medieval Times through Horrible Histories.  Interactive too!

Posted: February 10, 2012

Lego Castle Adventure

Everybody LOVES Lego!  Check out this site!


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Added: Wed, Feb 13 2013