Mrs. Hale

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: February 10, 2012

We were very lucky today!  Our "Pals" from Croft came to visit us and we had a big day all centered around the Middle Ages.  First we learned all about stained glass and we made one each.  Look in our windows in the upcoming days and see if you can see them from the road! After dinner we ventured across the street, compliments of Father Tom, to the beautiful St. Mary's Church and we learned about their stain glass and looked at the architectural structures that were similar to that of the Middle Ages and also those that have changed.  Mme Robichaud really knew her stuff in this area.  Thank you Madame! Next, we went to the ballfield behind the Middle School to attempt to build a Medieval snow castle.  Sadly, this did not work out quite as well as we imagined it, but we tried!!  Since this plan didn't work we went to plan B which was to finish our stain glass and check out some really cool websites.  Check out the websites on my teahcer page. What an amazing DAY!!  I can't wait until next month when we head out to Rogersville with our Croft "Pals" on March 1st to practise our french in a french community!  Thank you Croft for a splendid day!  Stay tuned for pictures!

Posted: February 5, 2012

Only four weeks until March Break...but who is really counting? I hope you all had a restful weekend for our big week ahead!  Monday is our first official day of our Compacted Curriculum for Grade 5.  We have much work to fit into a short period of time, so there will not be much down time between here and June.  I am looking forward to the English program, but Wedesndays we will be back to French for the day for the afternoon.  It will be fun returning to our regular routine one day a week. Friday our friends from Croft will be joining us for the day.  I am sure you will be fantastic hosts, just as they were to us when we were there.  Enjoy your week!

Posted: February 3, 2012

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Posted: February 3, 2012

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Posted: February 3, 2012

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Posted: February 3, 2012

Posted: February 2, 2012

BIG WEEK this week!!!  I'm so excited! First of all we have to review for our Provincial test and that will take us until Wednesday, then it is write, write, write.  I can't wait to see what great works of art you create in french.  This is what we have all been waiting for for the last five months.  Good luck everyone.  

Posted: February 2, 2012

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Posted: January 13, 2012

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Posted: January 13, 2012

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Added: Wed, Feb 13 2013