Mrs. Hale

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: May 17, 2012

Don't forget, over the long weekend we are studying for our Digestive System test!

Posted: May 14, 2012

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Posted: May 14, 2012

Another five day week ahead of us!  Yipee!  That means we can learn lots this week! First thing Monday is the launch of the "Go for 42" program that has been in our school system for quite some time now.  The kids are asked to walk or run 2km/night for the next four weeks and then on June 24th they will meet at the Civic Center to finish their last 2ks of their marathon.  Hopefully we will have lots of participation from this class.  I know I will be there with my own children, so come and run with us. All week, whenever possible, we will be working on our Social Studies projects since they are all due on Friday.  If you are finished your projects all ready, don't worry, I have other things in store for you. Don't forget about the "Harkins Has Hearthy Hearts" walk this week on Tuesday.  Great time to get in your 2km for the Mango Go for 42!  They meet at Harkins this week to do the track.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate. Study hard all week, because on Friday, you will have your test for the Spell-a-thon.  The winner in this class gets a medal and the top three get certificates.  Good luck class! Last but not least, I am asking that your mystery stories that we have been working on about the Titanic be completed this week.  We are almost finished our mystery unit, and do not want to have these loose strings.  I'm anxious to start our Humour unit, and I know you will love it too!  On Friday there are only 23 school days left...SCARY!!!!
Lis pour 20 minutes L'education physique Social Studies projects due May 18th Titanic mystery story due on May 18th Handwriting, end of "Pardon me, please" Spell-a-thon - Study words and get pledges
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Posted: May 8, 2012

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Posted: May 8, 2012

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Posted: May 8, 2012

Read 20 minutes Physical Education Titanic test signed Archery consent form signed Work on Egypt project due May 18th (only 10 days left) Handwriting due on Friday (to the end of "Once Andy lost his kite")
Welcome to the first full week of May.  Yeah!  I can't wait to have a full week with my wonderful students! Monday is Kevin's birthday!  I hope he has a great day!  Tuesday and Wednesday we will be continue to work on our Mystery unit and Egypt unit in Social Studies.  Only ten more days until the projects are due for Egypt, so I hope everyone is working on them at home.  Don't forget the Harkins Has Healthy Walking Program that will be going on Tuesday night.  It is going to be a beautiful day, so let's get out and get active!! Thursday is a fun day!  We are going to be travelling to Gretna Green to see "The Bully and the Purple Pants".  It is a show on bullying, and hopefully the students can learn alot from it. Friday will be the end of a full week, but that is what we need to cover all that needs to be done between now and the end of the school year.  By Friday there will only be 28 more school days.  Eeeek!


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Added: Wed, Feb 13 2013