Mrs. Hale

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: August 30, 2012


Tue, Sep 4/12 9:00 pm

Posted: August 30, 2012

My class newsletter for the month of September.  Included is what will be happening this month along with what we will be covering for curriculum as well as a short announcement from Mr. Flynn and his math wisdom.  Enjoy!
Microsoft Office document icon september_2012_newsletter.doc207 KB

Posted: August 30, 2012

Welcome back to school boys and girls!  I am very excited to get to see you all again and meet a few new students that we are fortunate to have in our class this year as well. I hope everyone enjoyed their summer and I look forward to spending the year with you.  It is your last year as an elementary student and I promise that I will make it your best year yet! See you on Wednesday!

Posted: June 13, 2012

Boys and girls, please remember to bring in the form signed by your parents to give their consent for you to travel out of the District with your class to Bouctouche on Friday.  Only two more days until the big day!

Posted: June 13, 2012

Only 9 more school days left before the last day of school.  Scary!  Yet, exciting! Monday we will have a bit of a messed up day because the Drama students will be leaving us in the afternoon to put the finishing touches on their play.  We will be finishing up our humour stories and doing a bit of end of the year testing that the District office is looking for. Tuesday is our trip to Beaubears Island, and we have to make sure we have a packed lunch and lots of water, sunscreen and fly spray. Hump day will be super exciting.  We finally get to see the premier of Anne of Green Gables...that is Anne with an "E"!  I can't wait because there are lots of great actors and actresses in our class, and Jessica Miersch is the one and only Anne!  Good luck everyone! Thursday will be a very busy day finishing up loose ends, because it is one of the last days we will have the full day in the class. Finally, Friday!  The day we have all been waiting for.  Our end of the elementary class trip.  We are going to the Olivier Soapery in Bouctouche and then off to Pizza Delight to have the buffet of pizza, pastas and salads.  We will end the day with our awards for the year.  All you have to do is bring yourself.  It is going to be a super time.  I can't wait to spend such a fun day with all my great students. Enjoy your LAST full week at Harkins Elementary School, boys and girls!

Posted: June 8, 2012

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Posted: June 8, 2012

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Posted: June 8, 2012

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Posted: June 8, 2012

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Posted: June 8, 2012

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