Weekly Message for May 7th-May 11th

Posted: May 8, 2012

Welcome to the first full week of May.  Yeah!  I can't wait to have a full week with my wonderful students! Monday is Kevin's birthday!  I hope he has a great day!  Tuesday and Wednesday we will be continue to work on our Mystery unit and Egypt unit in Social Studies.  Only ten more days until the projects are due for Egypt, so I hope everyone is working on them at home.  Don't forget the Harkins Has Healthy Walking Program that will be going on Tuesday night.  It is going to be a beautiful day, so let's get out and get active!! Thursday is a fun day!  We are going to be travelling to Gretna Green to see "The Bully and the Purple Pants".  It is a show on bullying, and hopefully the students can learn alot from it. Friday will be the end of a full week, but that is what we need to cover all that needs to be done between now and the end of the school year.  By Friday there will only be 28 more school days.  Eeeek!