Mrs. Hale

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Posted: May 1, 2012

Lis pour 20 minutesl'education physiquedecide on Social Studies projects work on handwriting  (end of "pair")Titanic Test

Posted: April 30, 2012

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Posted: April 30, 2012

Posted: April 30, 2012


Sun, May 20/12 9:00 pm


Wed, May 9/12 9:00 pm

Posted: April 30, 2012


Tue, May 1/12 9:00 pm

Posted: April 30, 2012

Today we finished off our Titanic KWL chart, and wrote down all that we learned...or at least the main points.  We did learn much more, but we tried to touch a bit on all areas.  This will be what I form the test from for Wednesday, so study hard from these notes, and I know you are all going to do super!  Good luck!
File what_we_learned_from_titanic.docx13.6 KB

Posted: April 30, 2012

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Posted: April 30, 2012

This week you have to read for 20 minutes, bring you gym clothes every day, work on handwriting to the end of "pail" for Wednesday, research for the Egypt pojects, test on the Titanic for Wednesday and if you are in Drama, PLEASE, study your lines! 


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Added: Mon, Sep 30 2013


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Added: Wed, Feb 13 2013