Mrs. Hale

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: June 4, 2012

Just a note to parents, that Mrs. Pinder sent home an information bulletin today regarding the 2012-2013 school year.  It is informing parents about student placements/classroom compositions, school agendas, school supplies and Anne of Green Gables drama play. This goes to the youngest child in the family, you should find this in your childrens' HEART books.

Posted: June 4, 2012

Read for 20 minutes Physical Education Science Test on Thursday High Elements course on Friday (bring a lunch)
Count down is officially on to the end of the school year!  Only 14 more days until the infamous LAST DAY OF SCHOOOL!  Wow!  What a fast year! Friday, Mrs. Pinder gave us official word that there will be no school on Friday the 22nd of June.  Instead, the last day of school will be on the 21st of June.  It is a Thursday, and it will be a full day of school, but that is the day that report cards will be going home.  This week there are lots of fun things going on.  The biggest being Friday!  Mr. Flynn will be taking you to the High Elements course at MVHS.  You will be walking up as soon as the Harkins Middle School teachers are finished their talk to you about going to Middle School at 10:30-11:30.  Everyone will love this experience.  Tuesday is walking club again.  It is around the track this day, so we will be meeting at Harkins Middle.  Come get in your 2k walk for the Go For 42 Program!!! The rest of the week will run as normal.  I hope we all have a great week.  The time will fly by now!
Yes folks!  You read it right!  June 1st!  We are officially in the final month of school, and the final months of this class attending Harkins Elementary School.  In four weeks they will be officially middle schoolers.  Scary! We have another busy week!  We kick off Monday with the final of the math assessments.  We will all be glad when this is over and done with.  Mr. Flynn is very pleased with what he has seen thus far.  Way to go boys and girls! Tuesday, of course, is our Harkins Has Healthy Hearts walk at Strawberry Marsh this week.  Please meet in the parking lot of Miramichi Mall at 3:45 to start the walk right at 4pm.  Hump Day is Skipping Club at Nelson Rural School gym with Mrs. Barry, but I will be there too if anyone is interested in coming along.  Mrs. Barry attended the National Skipping Competition in Moncton the other weekend and has some great things to share.  It is from 4-5pm.  Bring your skipping rope and water bottle because it is a great work out!  As well on Wednesday, I am finally going to get in our Science test on the Digestive System.  It was post-poned due to assessments.  I didn't want to overwhelm my class with all the testing. Thursday, we are spending the day with our Croft Buddies.  We will be going over there in the morning and then in the afternoon they will be coming over and we will be viewing their projects as well we will be having a visit and Mr. McGinn who has went to Egypt and is going to present what his experience was. Friday, I am in Moncton for meetings, but you will have a supply teacher for the day.  You will be continueing on your humor unit in literacy, and then working hard on Ancient Greece!  Like I said, we have a very filled week, and we will from here on out.  Get lots of rest, and come prepared to work!

Posted: May 22, 2012

Lis pour 20 minutes l'education physique Handwriting, end of "Take me with you." Spring Dinner on Thursday Math Assessments start Thursday Skipping Club at Nelson Rural School Wednesday 4-5pm  

Posted: May 21, 2012

Congratulations to our Spell-A-Thon champions for grade five.  It was a close call for many, but Jessica Miersch was our big winner.  We had to have a spell-off for the second and third place winners, and Shelby Morris just squeaked ahead of Campbell Lohnes.  Way to work boys and girls.  I was very...

Posted: May 21, 2012

Welcome back after an amazingly beautiful long weekend.  I hope you are all well rested and ready for the huge week that we have ahead of us.  Time is ticking and with only five weeks to go, the crunch is on! Our week will start off with Tuesday having a presentation from NB Ambulance.  Remember Tuesdays are also our "Harkins Has Healthy Hearts" walk and this week's walk will be at French Fort Cove.  Meet there at four o'clock and get a great work out, weather permitting! Wednesday follows with a great treat from the MVHS Leadership Class coming to perform and teach our class some dances.  This is always such a fun time, I know all of you will love this!  Bring your dancing shoes! Finally, on Thursday, the ASSESSMENTS arrive!  Get lots of rest, eat a nutritious breakfast and come prepared to rock that test.  Mr. Flynn has been working extremely hard with all of my students to prepare them for this test.  I know they are going to do wonderful! Thursday is also the day for our Spring Dinner at the cafeteria and the Heritage Fair at the Eco Center.  Logan and Shelby will be going to represent our class with our Titanic Documentary that everyone worked so incredibly hard on.  Good luck grade five!!!! Friday, already?  I know.  Short week, but on Friday we have the pleasure of Mrs. Barry coming to show us some great games in the gym.  I know I am excited for her visit!  What about you? Enjoy your week everyone.  It is a big one!

Posted: May 17, 2012

I just noticed that I forgot to upload my May calendar, even though the kids have had it since the first of May.  Sorry for this oversight!
Microsoft Office document icon may_2012.doc175.5 KB

Posted: May 17, 2012


Wed, May 30/12 9:00 pm

Posted: May 17, 2012


Mon, May 21/12 9:00 pm


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