Weekly Message for June 4th to June 8th

Posted: June 4, 2012

Count down is officially on to the end of the school year!  Only 14 more days until the infamous LAST DAY OF SCHOOOL!  Wow!  What a fast year! Friday, Mrs. Pinder gave us official word that there will be no school on Friday the 22nd of June.  Instead, the last day of school will be on the 21st of June.  It is a Thursday, and it will be a full day of school, but that is the day that report cards will be going home.  This week there are lots of fun things going on.  The biggest being Friday!  Mr. Flynn will be taking you to the High Elements course at MVHS.  You will be walking up as soon as the Harkins Middle School teachers are finished their talk to you about going to Middle School at 10:30-11:30.  Everyone will love this experience.  Tuesday is walking club again.  It is around the track this day, so we will be meeting at Harkins Middle.  Come get in your 2k walk for the Go For 42 Program!!! The rest of the week will run as normal.  I hope we all have a great week.  The time will fly by now!