This is Pennies for Polio Week at Harkins Elementary. The school is supporting the Rotary Club in their effort to eradicate polio from all countries. This week students will learn all about the disease. We will be collecting pennies to put in the penny jars. On Friday, members of the Rotary Club will come to the school to give a mock immunization. This project will help our students work toward one of the 21 century skills, global awareness.
There will be an important meeting for all parents of children who will be entering kindergarten in September, 2011. This meeting will take place Saturday at 10 a.m. downstairs in the Breakfast Room. If you have not already registered your child for kindergarten, please call the school at 627-4087.
Harkins Elementary Library will be hosting the annual Book Fair this week. Students will be able to preview the books Monday and Tuesday. Highlights flyers with the newest titles will be sent home. Books may be purchased Wednesday, 9 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.; Thursday 9 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Proceeds will be used to buy new books for the library. Be sure to drop in to the library during parent-teacher interviews.
The popular Problem of the Week has once again become a part of our school website. Be sure to check in each week as members from our city help us with real-world Math problems. The problems have separated into two categories - one for primary (K-2), and one for upper elementary (grades 3-5). Students are encouraged to participate by figuring out the solutions and writing their answers on a piece of paper to be handed in to their teacher. Thanks to Mr. Flynn and Mrs. Donovan, and of course to the members of our city-wide community who have agreed to be a part of this worthwhile endeavour!
This is the last week for the school fundraiser. All orders and money should in by by Friday, October 22. This is the only school fundraiser for the year. Funds will be used to sponsor school activities, educational field trips, etc. for our students. Your support in this is greatly appreciated!
It is time for our Harkins Elementary School fundraiser! Once again we will be selling ietms from the Norcard catalogue. Items included in the catalogue are calendars, seasonal cards, list pads, scrapbooking kit, party activity kit, etc. Start your Christmas shopping early! The campaign kicked off on October 6. Fundraising forms are to be returned by Friday, October 22. Funds will be used to finance student activities and field trips. Thank you in advance for your support!
kindergartenIt is time for kindergarten registration! During October 12-15, registration will be taken at the school for children who will turn 5 by December 31, 2011. It is important to register your child early. This will allow you to receive important information, including activities for your child to help them with a smooth transition to kindergarten.