Copies of the Harkins Anthology are still available at the school. These are a great keepsake. They are available at the office or if you are a parent, you may send in your money with your child. Thank you for supporting our school project!
The entire staff would like to thank our Home and School for the wonderful turkey supper provided to us Wednesday after school. This was certainly appreciated, especially at the end of the day of our Christmas Concert! A special thanks to Christine O'Neill and Sheila Jay, who spent most of the day in the kitchen, and to Carolyn MacTavish, Melanie Lowery, and Tracy Johnston :)
The Harkins Anthology is now complete! The book is a compilation of drawings and writing from many of our students. This is a project spearheaded by our Community School Coordinator, Cathy Carnahan. We will launch the anthology immediately following the Christmas Concert on Wednesday, December 15.
Perception Surveys for parents of Harkins Elementary students were sent out Monday. Please complete the surveys and send them back to the school by Wednesday, December 8. Your cooperation is appreciated.
The Home and School has been very busy getting ready for the Christmas season. Some of the highlights are:
December 6 - photos will be taken with Mr. and Mrs. Claus.
December 15 - there will be a Bake Sale at the Christmas Concert. Also there will be a draw for a "gift card" Christmas tree. Tickets will go on sale next week.
Subway (buy one get one free) peeler cards are still for sale at $10 per card - a great deal! These do not expire for one year!
There are only 11 Pizza Delight coupons left - get yours for the holidays!