Harkins Elementary is having a Scholastic 'Spring' Bookfair, AprIl 26 & 27 from 9:00 am - 4:30 pm Highlights flyers will be sent home with each student on Thursday. Come and check out the awesome selection of popular titles available. We look forward to your support for this literary fundraiser!
If you are interested in purchasing Pizza Delight pizza coupons we now have some available.
They are $20 for a 15” pizza and a large garlic finger. If you do not have the order form, please send a note to your child’s homeroom teacher indicating how many you wish to purchase, along with the money.
Help support Harkins Elementary Home & School Association!
The following goody cart items are avavilable on Monday and Fridays. If students could bring the right amount of money, or at least change and not bills, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation and for supporting our efforts!!
Items for Sale Price
Rice Krispie squares $0.50
Cheese and crackers $0.50
Granola bars $0.50
Juice boxes (apple & orange) $1.00
Bits & Bites $1.00
Crispers (various flavours) $1.00
The Primary Choir will perform at 11:20 a.m. and NOT 12:20 p.m. as stated on the permission slip
The Harkins Show Choir will perform at 12:05 p.m.
Please be early if you are planning on attending, and students are reminded to bring a bag lunch tomorrow !!!
Our volunteers will be saluted on April 23 at the student assembly. We would like to thank the many volunteers at Harkins that make us a great school. Your tireless efforts do not go unnoticed. Thank you again!!!
Students are creating projects for the school fair on April 29th. Winners in grades 4 &5 will advance to the District Fair in May and six projects from k-3 will showcase their project at Croft on May 18th.
The Teddy Bear's Picnic for all new Kindergarten student (2010 - 2011) will take place on Friday, March 26th. Therefore, there will not be any school for the present Kindergarten students on this day, as kindergarten teachers will be involved with the new students.
Harkins Elementary students and staff participated in the Big Crunch Event on March 11, 2010.
A total of 185 participants took part. This activity kicks off Nutrition Month.
All staff and students bit into a juicy apple all at once to produce a Big Crunch!
The school was registered for this event through the District.
A big thanks to Home and School for supplying the delicious apples....
The students enjoy a new piece of physical education equipment called the climbing wall. Besides upper arm strength, the wall challenges the students to use good judgement, trust and responsibility.