Mrs. Hale

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: November 2, 2011

Tomorrow will be Crazy Hat Day!  Bring a donation for the Food Bank, and you can wear your craziest hat all day long.  Please help support your local food bank and participate in such a great cause.

Posted: November 2, 2011

My spooks all dressed-up and ready to Skype with our neighbouring school Croft.  They had a blast meeting their pen pals for the first time and we hope to do this lots over the year. 

Posted: November 2, 2011

For a closing activity for our book L'Halloween chez les jumeaux, we decided to carve some pumpkins ourselves just like they did in our book.  The kids loved this activity, and there were many great jack-o-lanterns in the end!  Way to go Grade 5!
Happy Halloween everyone.  I hope everyone has a safe and exciting Halloween. Monday, we will be Skyping with the Grade 5 class from Croft.  The students will dress up in their costumes and explain to their pen pals about their costumes.  Tuesday, with the start of November, we will be starting a Remembrance Day poem in French and we will also be continuing to talk about our best friends so that we can describe them to someone else.  I know the kids are going to love this activity.  The school calendar goes home this day so please look for it in your child's HEART book. Wednesday is our Show and Tell day, and that is always a treat to see what the students will choose to bring to show to their classmates. Thursday is our last day of school for the week, and we will have our Reading Buddies on this day as well as our Journée marvielleuse.  Don't forget it is also our library day, so remember to bring your books back for Roma!  These short weeks means we have to work super hard while we are at the school so that we can get in the curriculum that is needed for this Intensive French program. Have a great week everyone!

Posted: October 25, 2011

Another week is upon us, and we have a tremendous amount of work to do if we want to have our fun on Friday carving our pumpkins. Monday, will be the Bully in the Purple Pants at Gretna Green, so we will be missing most of the morning.  We won't have time to do our Mini-Prof and Dans mon sac, due to this.  Sorry class. Tuesday, is work our tails off, trying to get our new book started, a "text narratif" going for Halloween and of course all the other parts of our day that is very important. Wednesday and Thursday, we will continue to try and get everything in and completed, so that on Friday we can spend most of our morning carving our pumpkins for the end of our book "L'Halloween chez les jumeaux".  I hope you all have a super week, and work super hard!

Posted: October 20, 2011

Youpi!  There is no school tomorrow for students!  Enjoy your long weekend, everyone!

Posted: October 16, 2011

Counting Numbers 1-100

Posted: October 16, 2011


Mon, Oct 17/11 9:00 pm

Posted: October 16, 2011

French Songs


Thu, Oct 20/11 9:00 pm


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