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Posted: November 23, 2010

As of Nov. 17th, our grade 5 class had accumulated 1 021 883 steps in total. We were close to passing Edmundston.

Posted: November 23, 2010

1. Read 15 minutes; 2. Finish Sudoku problem for Friday; 3. Finish p. 225, #s 5, 6 & 7

Posted: November 12, 2010

We corrected last Wednesday's math test in class today. Students were given the opportunity to earn bonus points, dependidng on how many corrections they made. They are to bring their test home to have it signed and returned on Monday to collect their bonus points.
To parents and Adults at home, Our class is starting a mathematics unit on geometry this Monday. Geometric shapes are in the world all around us, and mathematics can help your child recognize important features of geometry. Recognizing geometric features and understanding geometric form are key steps in developing a higher level of mathematical thinking. In this unit, your child will: ·        Build, represent, and describe geometric objects and shapes ·        Identify and sort quadrilaterals (that is, shapes with 4 sides)   Geometric shapes and objects can be found outside the classroom. Encourage your child to look for geometric shapes and objects around the home and neighbourhood, and talk about them. Here are some suggestions for activities that you can do at home: ·        Look for geometric shapes in buildings and street signs. For example, a stop sign has the shape of an octagon, and a yield sign has the shape of a triangle. ·        Find objects around the house that have different shapes. For example, a tissue box or a cereal box has the shape of a rectangular prism. Ask your child to tell you the differences between the objects.   Thank-you so much for your support.   Mike Sonier  

Posted: November 9, 2010

1. Continue to read 15 minutes every evening (library book or book of your choice). 2. Sudoku 7A due Friday. 3. Unit 2 test on Wednesday* (students will have two 1 hour periods, back to back in the morning to complete their test.)

Posted: October 18, 2010

Note to parents: the following website offers a basic explanation of the rules to Sudoku:   Keep in mind the following as you guide your child: 1. A number (from 1 to 9) cannot be repeated in any vertical or horizontal (9 square) line. 2. A number (from 1 to 9) cannot be repeated in a "region" (one of the nine 3 x 3 sqares within the larger 9 x 9 sqare). 3. Numbers are to be found by process of illimination, using the different strategies, not guess work. 4. It is not a good strategy to completely fill in one whole line or region to then to move on to the next; start with the numbers that are already given.   PS Your child will become better at solving the puzzles the more time (within reason) they spend practicing. The object is to develope problem solving skills, logical thinking and powers of observation.

Posted: October 18, 2010

1. Read 15 minutes every night (English library book); 2. Sudoku 5A by Friday; 3. Numeracy textbook, p.58, #s 1, 2, 3 & 4; 4. For "Montre et raconte" (Show & Tell), Thursday: Brady, Andrea, Robyn, Carter S. & Darius.  

Posted: October 14, 2010

Be looking for video clips of your child displaying his or her newly acquired French language skills. Coming soon!

Posted: October 14, 2010

Read 15 minutes every night. Sudoku 4A by Friday. Numeracy Textbook - pp. (pages) 55 & 56, #s 3, 4, 5 & 8 Note to parents: I will soon be posting instructions on my teacher page on how to complete the Soduku puzzles. Thank-you for your patience.



Added: Fri, Nov 26 2010