Posted: October 18, 2010
Note to parents: the following website offers a basic explanation of the rules to Sudoku:
Keep in mind the following as you guide your child:
1. A number (from 1 to 9) cannot be repeated in any vertical or horizontal (9 square) line.
2. A number (from 1 to 9) cannot be repeated in a "region" (one of the nine 3 x 3 sqares within the larger 9 x 9 sqare).
3. Numbers are to be found by process of illimination, using the different strategies, not guess work.
4. It is not a good strategy to completely fill in one whole line or region to then to move on to the next; start with the numbers that are already given.
PS Your child will become better at solving the puzzles the more time (within reason) they spend practicing.
The object is to develope problem solving skills, logical thinking and powers of observation.