To: Parents of Grade 5 students
Re: Math Assessment Preparation
We are getting to “crunch time” before the Grade 5 Provincial Math assessment, which begins on May 26.
In preparation for this, we are making a few changes in the grade 5 daily schedule. The Social Studies and Library periods will be incorporated into the Literacy block. The buddy reading with kindergarten class will be put on hold. These periods will be replaced by a Probability math unit class.
Students will continue to have all other classes as scheduled. After the assessments are written, we will go back to the regular schedule for the remainder of the year.
Mr. Sonier will also be offering extra help in math after school on Tuesdays (beginning next week). This will take place after busses leave (approximately 3:30) and run until 4:30. Students who choose to attend must have pre-arranged drives home.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the school.
Jane Pinder