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Posted: May 2, 2011

Tuesday, we will be reviewing for our Unit 5 test on Wednesday.

Posted: May 2, 2011

Math, page 203, #s 6 & 8

Posted: April 28, 2011

Math Homework: page 186, #11.

Posted: April 27, 2011

Math homework for this evening: page 172, #7 and page 182, #4.

Posted: April 20, 2011

Besides their usual homework, grade 5 students have page 172, #s 5 & 6 to do for Thursday.

Posted: April 18, 2011

To Parents and Adults at Home … Your child’s class is starting a mathematics unit on fractions and decimals. In this unit, your child will: ·        Model, compare, and order fractions and decimals. ·        Explore equivalent fractions and decimals. ·        Relate fractions to division and to decimals. ·        Use decimals to record measurements. ·        Estimate decimal sums and differences. ·        Add decimals with tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. ·        Subtract decimals with tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. ·        Pose and solve problems involving fractions and decimals. Fractions and decimals are used and encountered frequently in our world. For example, prices on grocery and other store advertising flyers typically show decimals and special sales announcements that include fractions. Encourage your child to look for such examples and to use fractions and decimals at home. If you are dividing something into equal pieces, such as an orange, have your child name fractions that describe the pieces. For example, if the orange is divided into 8 equal pieces, each piece is one-eighth of the orange. While shopping, encourage your child to look for decimals on price tags and labels. Have your child help you estimate the total amount of the items you intend to purchase, as well as how much change you should receive. Thank-you so much, Mr. Sonier

Posted: April 18, 2011

The majority of students did exceptionally well on last Friday's math test. They have been asked to bring their test home, have it signed and bring it back on Tuesday. Congratulations grade 5.

Posted: April 18, 2011

Besides the regular evening homework (reading, Sudoku and study math facts), students need to do #s 2 & 6 on page 168 of their math textbook.

Posted: April 14, 2011

Grade 5 students will be writing their Unit 1 Math Test on Friday (the 15th). We had a very good review period today, but to better prepare for the test, students will bring their Math text books home tonight and use the review section for Unit 1 (pages 30 & 31) to help them study. 

Posted: April 13, 2011

For grade 5 students who either want or need extra help in Math, starting the week of April 18, I will be available every Tuesday after school, from 3:30 to 4:30. Please note, however, that parents will be responsible for their child's transportation from school after 4:30. Please provide a note for your child if she or he is to attend the after school Math help. All grade 5 students are welcome.



Added: Fri, Nov 26 2010