Can you believe we are in our last full week of October? Wow! Time is flying by!
We have an extremely busy week with all the festivities of Halloween and the work we have to finish or start. We also have four birthdays this week. Crazy. Happy Birthday to Olivia, MacKenzie, Emily and Noah!
Monday we will be starting a new book for Halloween again and finishing up our L'Halloween paragraph.
Tuesday, we will be starting our texte narrative for a Haunted House. This is our first attempt at doing this and will be doing it as a class, and not independently. This is usually a struggle for most classes, but I am confident that this class is going to do extremely well.
Don't forget to bring in your money for the Spooky Halloween Lunch on Friday. It is $4.50 for a piece of pizza, milk and dessert. I hope you are all hungry!
Friday is also our day to carve our pumpkins! I hope we have a great week!