Mrs. Hale

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: February 12, 2013

Crazy how fast the time is is going to be March Break before you know it!!! This week we will be continuing getting the english program up and running.  Hopefully we will be getting into some science experiments and fun activities that go along with this curriculum. You are going to be snowshoeing with Mr. Flynn in gym, so come prepared for the weather. Thursday is Valentine's Day!  How excited are we for that one?  Remember there are 25 students in the class and your class list is in your HEART book! Also, if you would like the Valentine's Meal it is $4.50 and has to be brought in by the 13th. Enjoy your week...only two more weeks until the big break!

Posted: February 4, 2013

Our first week of the Compacted Curriculum!  This also marks the fact that we are officially half-way through our school year and only four months until my students are middle schoolers.  Eeeeek! This week, we are going to be busy rolling out the english program and all the expectation that go along with it.  The students will be starting their AR testing which they do in middle school as well, and doing many tests in their reading and writing so I know where we are starting off at.  Hopefully they are as excited to start this new venture as I am. Thursday night we are excited to announce that we will be having our first Math Night here at the school from 6-7pm.  Hopefully you can all make it to this great night of numbers and facts! Enjoy your week...and your transition into the english program!

Posted: January 21, 2013

Why is the month of January always so long and cold?  We are almost through, thank goodness!  With the end of January comes our Provincial Testing however, so that is really our focus for the next week. Monday, I will be sending home the book orders and they are due on Thursday.  Tuesday is our day, as always, to order popcorn. We are very lucky to be going skating at the Civic Center on Thursday at 9:45 and then Friday is our Literacy Day.  We have a great week ahead of us and hopefully we will get lots of work done in preparation for our big test next week. Don't forget, Olivia, Abbigail and Ben have Show and Tell on Friday. Enjoy your week!

Posted: January 14, 2013

Welcome back to the first FULL week of school.  Last week was a blur getting back into routine, but hopefully this week will be back to normal. Monday, we will be full force into getting ready for our Provincial Test.  I can't believe it is that time of the year already, but I am confident that the students will do just fine. We will be working hard on preparation for this test for the next three weeks.  Oral and written testing will take place the first week of February.  A big Happy Birthday goes out to Chantal this week, who is celebrating her birthday on Thursday.  Have a great week folks!

Posted: December 12, 2012

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Posted: December 12, 2012

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Posted: December 12, 2012

I hope evveryone enjoyed their snow day Monday.  What a nice surprise.  Finally some snow for Christmas.  I didn't want to have a Green Christmas! This week we will be busy preparing for the Christmas concert.  As well, we will be continuing to talk, read and write about Christmas and start to watch some short children's movies to see if you can comprehend other people talking french.  Real francophones talk much faster than I do and it takes a trained ear to distinuish their words.  Hopefully this will be a success! One more week...hang in their.  Christmas will be here before we know it!
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Posted: December 6, 2012

Posted: December 6, 2012


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Added: Mon, Sep 30 2013


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Added: Wed, Feb 13 2013