Posted: October 10, 2012
Mrs. Underhill Notes
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: September 10, 2012
Just a friendly reminder to parents about upcoming events this week:
Wednesday will be picture day in our school, beginning in the morning. Then on Thursday evening please come to our Meet the Teacher evening. I look forward to meeting you and sharing some of the wonderful things your children will be doing this year. Our Meet the Teacher begins in the gym at 6:30 and then you will have the opportunity to meet with me in our classroom. I look forward to seeing you!
Mrs. Underhill
Posted: September 10, 2012
We have been having a great time in our class! Your children are wonderful and we had lots of fun last week!
I just wanted to remind parents to please send in a set of clean clothes for your child. This should include a t-shirt, pants, socks and underwear. I will store them in the classroom and in case of a spill or accident we will have a change of clothing and won't have to call home.
If you ever have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to contact me! I look forward to working together with you to help make this a great year for your child.
Mrs. Underhill
Posted: September 10, 2012
Welcome back to school! I am very excited to start the school year with your children. Please find attached our class newsletter for September.
Mrs. Underhill
Posted: May 9, 2012
Just a reminder to parents that our class will be going to see the play The Bully in the Purple Pants tomorrow morning. We will be leaving our school for Gretna Green immediately following morning announcements. Students do not need any money and we will have our recess snack when we return to the school.
Posted: May 8, 2012
Here is our classroom newsletter for the month of May!
Posted: May 8, 2012
Hope everybody enjoyed their Homework–Free week last week!
Reading: Please continue to have your child read for 15 minutes every night.
Math: Please do the 2 Math sheets. Don’t forget to use your doubles to help solve your addition facts.
Spelling words
day play clay hay spray tray
Posted: April 24, 2012
Homework April 23rd – 27th
Well, we finally have a 5 day week again! Hopefully it'll be sunny later on this week so the students can go outside and play. Please find below the homework for this week:
Reading: Please continue to have your child read for 15-20 minutes every night. The books should be at an easy (enjoyable) level for your child. If the books they have are too hard, please send a note and I’ll helpthem find better fit books.
Math: Please continue to do some of the activities listed with the 100 chart. You can also review the Addition doubles (i.e. 6+6; 8+8).
Toys from the Past: Please bring any toys on the list by Wednesday.
Spelling words
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Posted: April 13, 2012
I will not be sending home any worksheets again this week as I would like homework to focus on reading and basic math. A note will be going home on Tuesday regarding toys needed for our upcoming project.
Reading: I would like students to continue increasing the amount of time they spend reading at home. Please have your child read for 15-20 minutes every night this week. The books should be at an easy (enjoyable) level for your child so if the books are too hard, please send a note and I’ll help them find better fit books.
Math: Please continue to do some of the activities listed with the 100 chart. I told the students they can ask their parents the questions if they want (i.e. “Mom find the number 1 less than 88”)
Spelling words- Review of last 4 weeks
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Posted: April 2, 2012
Please find attached our newsletter for the month of April!
Posted: March 29, 2012
For the next few weeks our class will be working with Mrs. Newman’s class on a project called “Toys from the Past”. As part of this P.L.B. (Project Based Learning) our students will be looking at toys and commercials from different eras (from 1920’s to 1980’s). We will be asking each child to bring in a toy or two from the list we create together in class. We would also like older toys, so if any grandparents have toys from when they were children we would love to borrow them. (We will send a note when we want students to bring in their toys).
We will be looking at old commercials (from the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s) and learning some of the jingles (songs) used to sell the toys. We will also be doing some interviews and writing assignments. The students are very excited to start this project and we can’t wait to share what we learn with you!!!
Posted: March 12, 2012
Parent teacher interviews will be held the evening of March 22 and the morning of March 23. A sheet was sent home tonight in your child's red home folder. Please indicate the date and time which work best for you and then return the sheet to school with your child. I look forward to seeing you and discussing your child's progess!
Posted: March 12, 2012
I hope everybody had a great March Break! Since it is the first week back after March Break there will be no Spelling words or worksheets to do this week. We would like students to continue practicing their Math strategies each night and continue to read.
MONDAY Practice counting forward and backwards from 100, beginning and ending with different numbers. Read for 15 mins.
TUESDAY Practice counting by 2’s to 100, 5’s to 100 and 10’s to 100; count backwards from 100 to 50. Read for 15 mins.
WEDNESDAY Practice 1 less or 2 less than a number between 1 and 100 with your parents. This will help you when you do your subtraction facts. (9-2 is the same as two less than 9).
THURSDAY Practice your double facts with your parents. Read for 15 mins.
Have a great week!
Posted: March 12, 2012
Wow! Can't believe it's March already. Please find attached our class newsletter for the Month of March!
Posted: February 14, 2012
100 Days of School!!!!!
We will celebrate the 100th day of school on Friday, Feb. 17th. We are asking students to bring in a collection of 100 items. This can be displayed any way you wish (in groups, rows of 10, in the shape of the number 100). You can use bristle board or construction paper to display your items, (i.e. glue 100 Fruit Loops, cotton balls, buttons or rocks); or just put them in a dish. This is meant to be a fun activity with your child to help them develop a better concept of the number 100!