Posted: March 12, 2012
I hope everybody had a great March Break! Since it is the first week back after March Break there will be no Spelling words or worksheets to do this week. We would like students to continue practicing their Math strategies each night and continue to read.
MONDAY Practice counting forward and backwards from 100, beginning and ending with different numbers. Read for 15 mins.
TUESDAY Practice counting by 2’s to 100, 5’s to 100 and 10’s to 100; count backwards from 100 to 50. Read for 15 mins.
WEDNESDAY Practice 1 less or 2 less than a number between 1 and 100 with your parents. This will help you when you do your subtraction facts. (9-2 is the same as two less than 9).
THURSDAY Practice your double facts with your parents. Read for 15 mins.
Have a great week!