Posted: September 4, 2014
Mrs. Hale
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: September 4, 2014
Thu, Sep 18/14 9:00 pm
Posted: September 4, 2014
Tue, Sep 23/14 9:00 pm
Posted: September 4, 2014
Mon, Sep 15/14 9:00 pm
Posted: September 4, 2014
Our daily schedule, if you need it for home use. I will be sending home a hard copy as well.
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Posted: September 4, 2014
A copy of the class list if needed for events like Valentine's Day, etc.
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Posted: September 4, 2014
Welcome back to another school year! Hopefully this will be an enjoyable one. With the first day of school being Tuesday, we will be reviewing rules and regulations of the school, and I will be explaining my expectations for the Intensive French (IF) program. There is no homework with this program, except reading each night for 20 minutes. It is very important that they keep their english reading up in preparation for the compacted curriculum in February.Wednesday, I will pass out the scholastic book orders and they will be due on September 19th. As well, we will start into a bit of the french program with myself giving examples of each part of the program and what my expectations are.By Thursday, we will be getting more and more into the IF program and by Monday we will be 100% french all day long.Hopefully everyone enjoys their week, and I look forward to starting back my weekly Heartland Happenings, if this class is willing to put it together for me.Enjoy!
Posted: March 18, 2014
The second last week of March? Really? Wow! April will be here soon enough.
Monday is St. Patrick's Day, so dress in green to celebrate this great day. Monday will be your last day to prepare for our school's science fair. Come prepared.
Tuesday will be science fair for most of the day. The judging will take place in the morning, then after recess will be the best projects per class in the hallway upstairs. We will announce who goes to the District STEM Fair at Gretna Green after the parents leave in the afternoon. Report cards go home Tuesday as well.
Wednesday, we will be starting to focus more on our Heritage Fair seems like one project after another.
Thursday is the start of parent-teacher interviews and will be held from 4-6 that evening. Friday is another half-day of parent-teacher and the students have the day off.
Enjoy your short week, and good luck on your projects!
Posted: March 10, 2014
Welcome back from March Break everyone! I hope all are rested and ready for a busy few weeks!
Monday we will be starting a new read aloud book, continuing with our humor theme. We are also going to concentrate hard on our science fair projects. Please make sure you bring in a project board to start preparing your project for the school fair that will be Monday March 17th. We will be working on them all this week.
Friday is our St. Patrick's Day dinner in the cafeteria. If you are interested in purchasing this, please have your money here by Thursday.
Enjoy your first week back...only two weeks left to the month of March after this one. Crazy!
Posted: January 20, 2014
Welcome back to another week! Back to winter weather, but only one more week after this for the Intensive French Program. That is exciting. Change is always good.
Monday the boys will have a home game at the school for basketball. Come by and cheer them on! Also, Monday we will be starting our new book "C'est l'heure du déjeuner" where they will continue with the vocabulary of food.
Tuesday is library as always, but the girls will have their basketball home game after school that day. Wednesday is the basketball practice for the boys after school. Mr. Flynn needs to have a note to make sure you are picking them up afterwards.
Thursday we will have skating at the Civic Center at 10:10. Please remember your skipants, helmet, mittens and skates. The boys basketball team will have a game at Saint Andrews Elementary at 3:30. Good luck boys!
Friday I will be absent for Intensive French meetings, but it will be the same routine as usual on Friday. Have a great week class!