Ms. Newman - Archive Notes

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Posted: April 30, 2012

A quick reminder that this is a three day week.  Teachers have meetings both Thursday and Friday so there will not be any school on those days.  Homework duotangs were not sent home but please check your child's agenda for their homework.  Their poetry journals were sent home and I ask that they read at least 5 poems each evening.  There have been many new ones added since the last time they were home so please take a few minutes and enjoy these with your children!!

Posted: April 23, 2012

Well here we are nearing the end of April!  The year is flying by!  This week for homework we will continue to focus on reading.  It is so important that your child reads between 15 and 20 minutes each evening.  I also ask that you review the 100 Chart and do some of the activities in the green duotang.  It would also be very beneficial for your child to play some of the math games that I have included below.  The spelling words for this week are also in your child's homework duotang.  They should review them each evening and orally tell you a sentence with that word in it! A reminder that next week will be a three day week for the students as teachers have meeting Thursday and Friday!

Posted: April 6, 2012

I want to take this opportunity to wish all of my students and their families a very Happy Easter and a restful holiday weekend!

Posted: March 30, 2012

Monday, April 2 is World Autism Day.  Students are encouraged to wear a hat for $1.  All proceeds will go to the Autism Resource Miramichi!

Posted: March 19, 2012

A short, but busy week is ahead of us.  The spelling words for the next four weeks are included in the homework duotang that went home today.  These are some of the high frequency sight words that students must be able to read and write properly by the end of grade one.  Please review these each evening.  We will have our test on Thursday as there is no school Friday due to Parent-Teacher interviews and teachers professional development.Wednesday we will be treated to a TNB play entitled "A Child's Garden of Verses".  We are very fortunate to be able to see this production and I know everyone will enjoy it!With the mild and sunny weather comes wet and muddy playgrounds.  If you have not already done so please send in an extra pair of pants and socks for your child to keep at school.  It isn't much fun to have to sit all afternoon in wet clothes!! 

Posted: February 27, 2012

Just a reminder that Wednesday, February 29 will be Pink Shirt Day at Harkins Elementary.  We ask that all students try and wear something pink in honor of Bullying Awareness Week.  Mr. Murphy has been working with the students on this topic and will have a school wide event Wednesday afternoon. 

Posted: February 26, 2012

Well here we are one week before the March Break!!  Time flies when you're having fun I guess!!  We will have a busy, fun filled week as we prepare for our Winter Activity Day on Friday.  Pins and ribbons will start to go on sale Tuesday at recess for $2/set and will be sold all week.  Wednesday the students will be treated with a healthy fruit snack at recess.  Friday, grade one will spend the morning bowling and doing fun activities in the gym.  In the afternoon we will be attending the Harkins Elementary variety show.  Just a reminder to please send in $3 to cover the cost of our activities. 

Posted: February 19, 2012

Well, what a week we had last week!  Valentine's Day was a lot of fun, sharing cards and treats with our friends, all the while learning and creating!  Friday was our 100th day of school and we had a fantastic day!!  The students brought in some awesome collections of 100 and Mrs. Underhill and I surprised the students with our very own collection of 100 candles on a special cake to mark the day!  Check our the pictures in the image gallery below.  Thanks to all the parents for the help and support they gave their children preparing for these activities! Another great week is upon us and we will continue with the next set of spelling words in the homework duotangs.  Our Daily 5 routine will be back in full force each day.  During our Writers Workshop we will be concentrating on the word choice trait, choosing "WOW" words and making our stories more interesting.  In Math, we will continue to focus on Numbers to 100, getting all students more comfortable with the hundred chart. A reminder that there is no school for the students this Friday, February 24 as there is professional development for teachers. I want to congratulate Owen and Patrick for the fantastic job they did in the So You Think You Can Dance competition at Harkins.  They will be representing the K-2 classes from our school at the District 16 competition this week!!!!!  Way to go boys, I know you will do us proud!!

Posted: February 12, 2012

We have an exciting week ahead in grade one!  Tuesday we will celebrate Valentine's Day!  Each student will be decorating a bag to act as their mailbox for receiving their Valentines.  We will also have a little celebration in the afternoon.  It isn't necessary to send treats in, but if you do please remember that they MUST be nut free!!  Friday we will celebrate the 100th Day of School!  We have lots of activities planned for the students to learn and have fun!  This is one of my favorite days of the school year!  This is also the day that your child has been asked to bring in a collection of 100.  Read the message below to get a few ideas.  If there is a storm day this week, it will move our celebration one day. I will be adding some subtraction games below that I would encourage you to play with your child!  They are a great way to reinfoce the strategies that we have been learning in class.  Continue playing the addition games as well! 

Posted: February 5, 2012

  This will be another busy week in grade one.  We are now more than half way through the school year and continue to make great accomplishments!  A new spelling sheet with words for the next four weeks will be sent home Monday in the homework duotangs.  Any time that there is a sheet of looseleaf in with the homework without other instructions, it is  meant for the students to write one sentence for each spelling word.  This week we are focusing on words with double consonants.  We have a great routine set up with our Daily 5 Literacy Block and the students are really enjoying it and working well!  In Math, subtraction has been introduced to the students and we will continue to work with addition facts and strategies.  We have the 100th day of school tentatively scheduled for Friday, February 17.  As previously mentioned, we are asking each student to bring in a "Collection of 100".  This is meant to be a simple activity such as 100 cheerios/beads on a necklace, 100 pennies, buttons etc.  Feel free to be as creative as possible of course! During the afternoon of March 3 Harkins will be hosting a variety show.  Auditions will be held within the next couple of weeks and practices will take place after that.  If your child has a special talent like singing, dancing, playing a musical instrument etc... please make sure they are prepared and ready to go!  Harkins is full of talented children!! If anyone could send in a box of kleenex it would be greatly appreciated as we have nearly used up our supply.  The cold season has hit our classroom!  Thanks :)

Posted: January 9, 2012

Happy New Year to all students and parents in of our class and welcome back!!  I'm sure that you all enjoyed the fabulous time off and are ready and eager to get back to learning!! Our spelling words this week focus in the "-sh" sound.  I have included in the homework duotang the words for the next four weeks.  Feel free to look them all over but there is only one group of words assigned for each week.  We will continue our Daily 5 during our literacy block and I will be introducing the final component - Word Work.  Our writing this week will focus on understanding and developing New Year's Resolutions. In math we are continuing with our addition unit.  We will learn our doubles facts ( ie. 2+2=4, 6+6=12..) which will lead into  learning the strategy "doubles plus one" (ie. 2+3=5).  

Posted: December 18, 2011

Well, the last week of school before our Christmas break has arrived, and what a busy, fun filled one it will be!  Monday and Tuesday we will continue to practice our Christmas songs for the concert.  Everyone has worked very hard on learning the words and actions for our two songs and I know that all the parents will be very pleased and proud!  The concert will take place Wednesday morning at 9:30am.  Throughout the week we will continue to learn about Christmas in other parts of the world.  The students have been really enjoying hearing about the different tradtions and customs.  One of our favorites was in Australia where families often go to the beach and have a BBQ for Christmas dinner.  The also thought it was very funny that "Six White Boomers" pull Santa's sleigh instead of reindeer because it is too hot! I will be sending home a note, asking for you to verify how your child will be going home on Friday.  It is a half day and to avoid any confusion I prefer to have it on paper.  I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and to thank you for allowing me to teach your wonderful children!  May you take every moment this Christmas to make beautiful memories with your families!  Enjoy the love and peace this season brings! 

Posted: November 28, 2011

This week in spelling we are learning words that have the "dr" blend.  The new words are being sent home today in the green homework folder.  The students have learned that "Dee Dee Deer" and "Robbie Rabbit" come together to make the "dr" sound.  Remind your child to show you the actions while spelling out the words!   Our test will be on Thursday this week as there is no school Friday due to Parent Teacher interviews and teacher PD.  Thursday will also be "Santa or Elf Hat" day at Harkins.  For just one item for the food bank or a loonie the students can wear one of these hats as we celebrate the upcoming Christmas season. A reminder to parents that the books your children bring home should  be read EACH evening.  This will build their confidence and help improve their fluency.

Posted: November 23, 2011

Our class picture has arrived, and boy are we a good looking bunch!!  If you would like to purchase one please send in $2 and I will send it home with your child. Thanks :)

Posted: November 21, 2011

This week in spelling we will be working with the blend "bl".  The students brought home their new spelling words today and I suggest that you have them sound them out while doing the actions for each sound.  They know that Bubba Bear and Lizzy Lizard have come together to spell lots of fun words! Friday will be "School Colors Day".  For just one item for the food bank or a loonie students are encouraged to wear Harkins colors which are  blue and white.  Harkins Elementary Christmas Concert will be held on Wednesday, December 21.
