This week one of our leaders was this bright young girl. She has been a super helper in Mrs. Russell's class. She is very kind to all her classmates and she is loving all of the zoo phonics fun! Keep up the fantastic work!!!! This kind young girl was a super leader of the day. She loves to make patterns and listen to stories! She always shows good listening and will always help her classmates. She did a awesome job on all her Leader of the Day duties. Thanks for being so awesome!!! Look at this super Leader of the Day! She LOVED all of the Leader of the Day duties! She is a very kind young girl who loves to learn and play! Way to Go!!!! Here is a very kind young boy who loves to help out Mrs. Russell. He is always following the I-Care rules. He loves to play and learn. Way to be a super Leader of the Day!!! Wow!!! This was one awesome Leader! She did a fantastic job with all of her duties. She LOVES school and does her best with everything. Thanks for being and awesome leader!