
Posted: February 23, 2012

The District 16 "So You Think You Can Dance?" competition was held on Wednesday, February 22 at MVHS. Our K-2 freestyle dance duo of Owen MacKay and Patrick Stewart came away with the "Most Athletic Dance" award in the K-2 division. Congratulations guys!

Posted: February 16, 2012

Congratulations to our CUTE Award winners! We are very happy to announce we had two winners at the CUTE Awards held at JMH. Braden Martin won in the Digital Audio (non-musical) category. Harkins Elementary won for our 21st Century Learning project titled School Safety. We are very excited the quality work of our students has been recognized by our peers in School District 16!

Posted: February 15, 2012

The 100th day of school will be celebrated on Friday, February 17th. Teachers have a variety of activities to celebrate the big event in this school year.

Posted: February 15, 2012

Congratulations to the CUTE nominees from Harkins Elementary. Our school is nominated for our 21st Century Learning Project on School Safety. We also have two individual nominees. Braden Martin and Tatum Prianti have been nominated under the Digital Audio, non-musical category. The award ceremony will take place on February 15 at the JMH theatre, beginning at 7 p.m.

Posted: February 4, 2012

Thanks to our great Tech Team, District 16 and its schools' websites are now back up and running! Teachers can now get back to keeping you up to date on all the great things that are happening in their classes and in our school.

Posted: December 22, 2011

The staff and students of Harkins Elementary would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! The staff looks forward to seeing their students again on Monday, January 9, 2012.

Posted: December 15, 2011

The girls and boys basketball jamboree scheduled for tonight at Dr. Losier has been CANCELLED !!!!!

Posted: December 12, 2011

Posted: December 11, 2011

The Harkins Elementary Christmas Concert will be held on Wednesday, December 21. It will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the gymnasium.


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