Posted: October 16, 2012
Mr. Flynn
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: October 10, 2012
Due to the shortened week because of Thanksgiving and teachers meetings there will be no homework for this week. Students are reminded to study their multiplication facts for 15 minutes a night. We will be returning to our regular math schedule next week with homework being given out on Monday and being collected on Friday.
Posted: March 26, 2012
Students that are looking for extra math help can now stay after school on Thursdays from 3-4. Please send in a note or students will not be able to stay for that day.
Posted: February 20, 2012
There will be no math homework for Grade 5 Hale for the week of Feb.20-24 as I will be away on Wednesday and Thursday for meetings. There will still be extra math help after school on Tuesday from 3-4 and students are asked to study their facts each night for 10 minutes.
Enjoy the week!
Posted: January 10, 2012
Another Great Math Site!
Posted: January 10, 2012
Helpful multiplication site.
Posted: January 10, 2012
I am happy to announce that I will be updating my teacher page on a weekly basis. I plan to include the weekly homework for my Grade 5 math class, as well as share videos and pictures from the schools' physical education classes. Hopefully you will visit my page often to see what I have added new.