Posted: October 23, 2010
We will have another busy week in 1 Newman! Homework will go home again on Monday. Please have your child concentrate on doing his or her best work at all times! I focus on this in the classroom and believe the continuity at home will be of great benefit. The children should review their spelling words each evening. Having them use each word in a sentence will help their oral language skills. This week we will work on words in the "at" family.
In Math we will continue to work on the numbers to 20. Counting from 1-20 forward and backward would be a great at home activity! We will be celebrating Halloween this week with great stories, poems and songs. We will be going skating Friday morning. You will receive more information regarding this. Don't forget that there is no school for the students on Wednesday, October 27 as teachers will be attending a Curriculum Implementation day.