Posted: October 19, 2011
Hi everyone,
Sorry for the delay in getting my teacher page up and running.
We are off to a great start this year. The boys and girls in the class have adjusted very well to the routines of the classroom and the school. I know Kindergarten is a big year with a lot of firsts and it can seem overhwhelming at times. Let me assure you that children adapt very well to changes and that anything that is introduced is reviewed again and again, so students have time to learn all of the new things that come their way.
I hope everyone is getting used to the Zoophonics characters that we use everyday. This is also a program that is used District wide, so the lingo is becoming familiar to everyone. If there are ever any questions about this program or any other lessons learned, please do not hesitate to write me a note in the agendas or give me a call at the school. I am happy to help clarify any concerns as I want the students to feel successful in all that they do.
Be sure to keep an eye out for any links and notes on here. I will do my best to notify you of any postings on the teacher page by jotting it down in the agendas.
Miss Lawlor