Posted: November 6, 2011
Happy Remembrance Day everyone. I hope you all take the time to pay tribute to the brave individuals who sacrificed their lives for our freedom and peace that we greatly cherish today.
Monday, we will be having a visiter in from St. Andrews to watch my wonderful class. I know she will be very impressed with all my incredible students and their attitute towards the french program. I am so proud of all of you.
Tuesday, we will be starting our new book and I know you are all going to love this one. We will be finishing up our project on our best friends, and I can't wait to see the final projects out in the hallway displayed for all to see.
Wednesday, is our Rembrance Day ceremony in the gym at 9:30am. I am looking forward to seeing what Harkins' ceremony contains. I heard it was very touching. Just a reminder to dress properly for this day.
Thursday, is Pajama Day at Harkins, if you bring in an item or a loonie for the food bank. It will also be our day of rushing to get all the material finished for our last day of the week. Our knuckles will be to the grind, but we will also be able to enjoy our special time with our Reading Buddies and of course La journée marveilleuse. I will also be video taping another writing piece and a book reading to be displayed on my teacher page for your parents to see how great you are all progressing. I wonder who's name I will draw this week? I am having trouble uploading Shelby and Campbell's videos that I taped last Thursday, but I know the problem will be solved shortly. Keep checking in for the videos!
Just a reminder that there is no school on Friday, due to Remembrance Day.
Enjoy your week, and your long weekend this coming weekend.
Mme Hale