Posted: June 13, 2012
Tuesday, June 19th
Grades 3-5 students will be attending the District 16 Track and Field Day at JMH. Students will need to have the proper footwear and clothing to participate in athletic events and should prepare for a long day as the day goes from 9:00 -2:00. Students are encouraged to bring sunscreen, a hat and lots of water. Our Home and School has offered to buy the students pizza for lunch so students will just need to bring a small snack with them. If your child does not like pizza please pack a bagged lunch.
Wednesday, June 20th
Grades K-2 will be having their primary track and activity day at Memorial Baseball field from 9:00-11:00. Students will be rotating through various events that will allow our primary students to be introduced to some of the track events that they will eventually be expected to try when they get to the older grades. The emphasis of this morning is on FUN and is not a competitive event. All parents are encouraged to attend.
Thursday, June 21st
Our last day of school the K-2 students will be walking to Ritchie’s Wharf to play at the playground and enjoy the park for the morning. They will walk back to the school around 12:00 PM for a BBQ, which will be put on by our Home and School. Classroom cleanup will be held in the afternoon.
The 3-5’s will be walking to French Fort Cove for the day and will have their lunch provided by Home and School with a BBQ on site at French Fort Cove. Students will participate in various games and activities at the cove throughout the day and will walk back to the school at 1:30.
If you are interested in volunteering at any of these events please call the School at 627-4087 and leave your name with Mrs. Hay so she can pass it on to me.
Have a fun and safe summer!