Literacy Day Was a Huge Success!

Posted: January 25, 2013

What an amazing Friday at Harkins Elementary!  Today we celebrated Literacy Day.  We started our day off with Mrs. Pinder reading a story to the entire student population, then the students separated into different groups to celebrate ways to bring literacy into our daily lives.  There were puppet shows, post cards, fortune tellers, comic strips, board games, and many more fun activities for the students to participate in.  At recess, the Home and School graciously donated cookies and milk for all the students to have for a snack and then to the students surprise, Big Brothers and Big Sisters were incredibly kind and gave each student in the school a new book!  It is kindness like this that makes Harkins such a great place to go to school!  A big thank you to all these generous people and the staff at Harkins who made this possible for our students!  Check out the image gallery for some great pictures of the day!