Harkins Has Healthy Hearts Walking Club

Posted: April 15, 2012

This spring Harkins Elementary will be having its first ever “Harkins Has Healthy Hearts” walking club. Each Tuesday at 4pm we as a school community will meet at different locations around the Miramichi and walk some of our beautiful trails. We are inviting all students, parents, friends, neighbors and staff to join us each week in joining us. Each walk will be approximately 40 minutes and will be at your own pace. All you need is a pair of sneakers and a bottle of water. A small nutrition snack will be provided at the end of each walk. April dates are: Tuesday April 17th- Walk Strawberry Marsh at 4PM. We will meet at by the Sykes call center at Miramichi Mall and then walk over. Tuesday April 24th–Walk at Memorial Baseball Field Track. We will meet at Harkins Elementary playground entrance at 4PM.