Posted: October 12, 2012
Here we are, the middle of October already! We have a full and busy week ahead of us! Please check your child's agenda in their homework binder each evening. There will be a slight change in homework this week. This is also where memos and other important information is sent home (bring back and keep home plastic sleeves). It is very important that your child does their reading each evening and log it with your signature/initials. It would also be very beneficial for you to ask your child questions about what they just read. Comprehension remains an extremely important strategy!In Literacy we continue working very well during our Daily 5! Ask your child what recent activities they did in Word Work from the "tic tac toe" choice board. In Math, we will look at place value this week, concentrating on the numbers in the ones, tens and hundreds place. Science will get exciting this week too. Ask your child about it!Important Reminder: All fundraiser money and forms are due by Thursday!! We certainly appreciate all the effort the students are putting into this :)