November 8-12

Posted: November 7, 2010

We will be going skating Monday morning.  Students must have skates and wear a helmet in order to go on the ice.  Tuesday we will be having our Remembrance Day ceremony at 9:30am.  Please note that there will not be any school Thursday due to Remembrance Day. A 100 chart will be sent home this week with the math homework.  Ask your child about the different activities we do with this chart.  They may use it to complete the math sheet in their duotang.  This chart will stay in their homework duotangs and used frequently throughout the year.  During math class we practice counting by 1's and 2's to 20, by 5's to 50 and by 10's to 100.  This would be a great activity for you to do with your child at home.  You will be amazed at how well they can do it!!