Nov. 7-10

Posted: November 6, 2011

We have another short week ahead of us as there will be no school on Friday, Nobemver 11 due to the Remembrance Day holiday.  This week in spelling we will be studying the "ug" word family.  I am very pleased with the students progress during the Daily Five.  I have introduced the Work on Writing part and the students were all eager to take part.  A reminder that Thursday will be PJ Day.  Students can wear their pj's to school for the day if they bring in an item for the food bank of one loonie.  Everyone enjoyed Crazy Hat Day last week and our class brought in lots of items to donate.  The class who brings in the most wins a great prize, so let's keep up the great work!! The Remembrance Day assembly at Harkins will take place Wednesday, November 9 at 9:30am.  Everyone is welcome to attend.