Posted: April 8, 2013
April showers, bring May flowers! I can't wait for the month of May and the warmth that goes along with it. It has been a long winter. Anyone else ready for sunny days?
This week we are finally back on schedule. A full week without any days off. We will be working hard to finish our Middle Ages presentations and starting our Ancient Egypt unit. We were supposed to go to Croft, but it doesn't seem to be working out, but hopefully they can come here to see our presentations soon.
We are going to get back to our Science now that our Social Studies projects are out of the way and the next ones aren't due until May 13th. That gives us lots of time to get this unit finished up.
We are going to continue our Humor Unit in Literacy and work hard with aspects of the CAFE so that we can build our reading comprehension, accuracy, fluency and expanded vocabulary. Also don't forget to take your AR tests whenever you are finished a book.
I hope you all have a great week. On Friday we are halfway through the month of April. It will be June before we know it!