Posted: May 19, 2011
Students have been researching and writing their speeches here at school. They have put in a lot of hard work, and are getting excited to share them with their fellow classmates. Speeches are to be approximately 3 minutes long. Please practice at home to make sure you are not nervous when you present your speech. Some other things to keep in mind are:
students will be allowed to practice their speech at school and at home
a few students will be selected to present their speeches in the gym
students are permitted to have cue cards, and should have their speeches written on recipe cards
students will be marked on several things - variety or tone and pitch (voice), audience contact, stage presence, familiarity with material, evidence of research, and ability to maintain topic focus
Speeches are due on May 31. Students will present them to the class, and I will mark them. Then, a few will be selected to present their speech in the gym to the school. Best of luck!